Before The Wrath

A review of this amazing documentary. Lost evidence from the time of Christ reveals how and why the rapture must occur in the last days. Narrated by Kevin Sorbo (God’s Not Dead, Hercules).

Eschatology, The Rapture, The Bridegroom returns

The return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is coming. All Christians have been told this at some point in their walk. The Bible prophecies to this event are clear. Yet many Christians are skeptical about The Rapture and Christ’s return.

Studying and understanding eschatology, which is the study of The End Times, must be an important part of every Christian’s education. We must prepare for Christ’s return. We must reach out to those that are Lost. Once our Bridegroom returns and closes the gate there will be no one admitted. Salvation is now.

I have studied End Times prophecy most of my life. I have two seminary Masters degrees and I have never had the importance of the Galilean wedding explained to me in such a way. This is why when a Christian studies their Bible they need to also study the culture and events surrounding what they are reading.

Documentary Synopsis

Bible scholars continue to debate the timing of the Rapture, but why is such a mysterious event prophesied to happen in the first place? Is there a deeper understanding surrounding this occurrence that we’ve lost over the millennia that those living in the first-century clearly understood?

Although most people today no longer believe that Jesus is coming back, newly discovered ancient anthropological evidence from the time of Christ finally reveals unprecedented findings that could prove the upcoming Rapture is not only real, but why this event must soon some to pass. Regardless of your end-times views, Before the Wrath will captivate believers and non-believers alike; revealing new depths of theological understanding regarding what Jesus revealed to the ancient Galileans about the end of the world in ways you could never have imagined.

Narrated by Kevin Sorbo (God’s Not Dead). Featuring interviews with Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell, J.D. Farag and more.

The Cast

  •   Kevin Sorbo – Narrator
  •   Jack Hibbs – Theologist and host of “Real Life” on SiriusXM
  •   Amir Tsarfati – Founder and President of Behold Israel
  •   Jan Markell – Founder of Olive Tree Ministries
  •   JD Farag – Theologist and Eschatologist
  •   Scott McConnell – Exec. Director of Lifeway Research
  •   Jay McCarl – Ancient Middle Eastern Anthropologist
  •   Lizette Dillinger – Qualitative Director of LifeWay Research 

The Trailer

The Documentary

This documentary is laid out amazingly well. It smoothly goes back and forth between illustrating the first century life events and the modern scholars explaining. Sometimes these jumps in films can be jarring but never in this one. Learning more about the importance of Biblical prophecy is always important. So many churches fail to teach this. The statistics provided by the documentary are shocking. I knew that theological knowledge was falling. I just didn’t realize how far it has fell.

Gaining a great knowledge of the deeper meaning between the Galilean wedding ceremony and the teaching of Jesus was so fulfilling. It explains a critical point about the deity of Christ and the misperception of Jesus being omniscient. I have often heard the question raised: If Jesus is God and God knows all things past, present, and future, why does Jesus not know when the Father will tell Jesus to return. This documentary explains it the best of any explanation I have heard. It isn’t that Jesus doesn’t know; it isn’t that Jesus can’t know; Jesus said he didn’t know because He has chosen to not know. He is as the first century Galilean bridegroom, waiting with excitement for the moment His Father says, “Go Get Your Bride!” So Jesus knows he gets His bride, each and every Christian is His, we always have been, recorded in The Lamb’s Book Of Life from eternity past. To think that Jesus has always looked to bring us home, that He has always seen the Cross. I am amazed.

It is my hope and prayer that all pastors see this film and fall under the conviction of the Holy Ghost to once more Proclaim the whole Word of God. Do not leave out prophecy and eschatology because you fear grumbles from the congregation. Pastor, the local church may employ you but never, ever forget that you will one day kneel before your King, your Master, your Savior, the One who called you to proclaim His Word. Will He look at you as you lay the crowns He rewarded you with at His feet and say “Well Done. You never faltered. Well Done.” Or will Jesus look at you and you know that you as a preacher did not do all He Called you to do.

Beloved Proclaim Him. Fear no man; Fear God.

Lastly, use this documentary as a tool. Open the doors to the full Word in you church.

Serve the One who Called you.

A Ten Minute Preview


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